Grand Geneva Resort

Wisconsin Elevator Symposium September 21st & 22nd, 2010

Ken Smith from Braun ThyssenKrupp Elevator forwarded this information on the 2010 Wisconsin Elevator Constructors Symposium. All the details are included in the links below. This two day program has eight educational speakers and looks to be a fantastic learning opportunity for any elevator professional. The cost of the program can’t be beat either at $195.00 per person. If you are a vendor and would like to exhibit during this event get your payment and registration in to Ken Smith as soon as possible. Space is limited so register today. The event is going to be held at the Grand Geneva Resort in Lake Geneva, WI.

Event Brochure/Registration Form: 

Hotel Accomodations - Grand Geneva:

Invoice/Registration For Exhibitors: Elevator symposium invoice 8-12-10 (2)